A uk beauty blog giving you reviews, tips and tricks with all aspects of make up and beauty.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Benefit Fake Up.

I love Benefit face products. I am obsessed with Boi-ing so when ever they bring out another concealer I have to grab one and have a try out. 

As ever with Benefit the packaging is adorable! Has a gorgeous vintage feel to it. The product itself comes in a lipstick form so this is great for travel and storage. Also means applying the product is even easier. You can just pop it on and blend with a finger. Pretty fuss free!

I picked up Fake up a little while ago and have been using it a fair amount since getting it. It isn't as heavy duty as boi-ing so I do switch between the two depending on what foundation I'm using and the level of coverage I want. I would say it's not good at hiding really dark circles. If you sleep pretty well and your eye area is quite light this will work. But I find sometimes after a terrible nights sleep (boyfriend is a serious snorer and I'm a pretty bad sleeper) Fake Up just won't cut it. 

Benefit claim this is hydrating and crease proof. Hydrating it certainly is! I have quite oily skin so I was pretty worried about that. It doesn't slide off or leave greasy residue . When Fake Up is blended it does set with a satin sort of feel. I put a small amount of powder over just to ensure it stays. 
Fake Up swatched unblended
Because of my oily eye areas I have a huge problem with creasing. Benefit claim this has crease control. I would say it is to a point. 5/6 hours worth of wear and it starts to crease, but this is a fair amount of wear for me. The packaging makes it easy for you to apply a little more and blend out. It also doesn't sit in lines around the eyes. 

Fake Up Blended
I do find where this has a concealer core with a hydrating gel around the outside the actual product does get quite messy. The concealer part does bleed into the gel. This is only really an issue if like me you're a bit ocd with how clean your make up is. 

It's light weight and when blended is virtually undetectable. It comes in three shades: Light, Medium and Dark

 You can pick one up from selected Boots, Debenhams and stand alone Benefit stores for £18.50  You can get one online Here!.

Have you used Fake Up? Whats your favorite concealer? Let me know!

XOXO - Lizzy 
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Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge

I'm a lover of a beauty blender sponge! I've tried a lot of them recently. Some brilliant and some not so good. So as soon as I set my eyes on the Real Techniques take on the staple sponge I grabbed it!!

As with every sponge I tried this wet. It swelled to over double its original size. But a good squeeze and a squeeze in a towel tales out all the excess but still leaves it just damp enough to not soak up all your product.

This sponge has a pointed end, round back and a flat side. So this really makes it a multi purpose tool. The flat side amazing for applying foundation. You can either bounce the sponge of your skin to really blur the product into the skin. Or you can use short strokes like a brush o apply. By bouncing the sponge you can work up a higher level of coverage.

The pointed end I use to apply concealer directly on to blemishes. It really helps you pinpoint where you want the extra coverage. Also its great for blending in tough areas, such as around the nose and the eye area. It really works product into the skin. 

The rounded edge you can use to blend your base or I prefer to use it to apply cream blush. Especially highly pigmented cream blushes. You can bounce the colour around the cheek area and then go over with the side you applied your foundation just to really blend it in and give you a natural looking glow. 

This sponge is the perfect shape to fit all the contours of your face. 

I love how soft and bouncy this sponge is. I hate blending sponges that are too firm and almost hurt to bounce around your face.

I have found this to be the most versatile sponge I've used. I'm planning on buying another so I have one to use and one to wash. To wash them you can use a little shampoo and rinse them through similarly to how you'd clean your brushes. For me I don't like this way they never seem to get clean, I pop mine into the washing machine with a load of laundry and let them air dry.

Another great product from the Real Techniques team!

You can pick one up from selected Superdrug and Boots for £4.99. At the moment neither website is stocking them.

Do you like beauty blenders? Have you used this? Let me know!

XOXO - Lizzy
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